Four Roses Bundle Bourbon - 750ml
- Four Roses Small Batch Bourbon - 750ml
If you’ve ever wanted proof that mingling Bourbons is an art unto itself, you’ll find it in this perfectly balanced, Small Batch Bourbon. Four original Bourbon recipes have been expertly selected by our Master Distiller at the peak of maturation to create this very mellow and perfectly balanced Bourbon. You can enjoy it best straight up, on the rocks, or simply with a splash of your favorite mixer. 90 proof. 45% alcohol/volume.
- Four Roses Single Barrel Bourbon - 750ml
Master Distiller Brent Elliott selected and mingled six of Four Roses’ 10 Bourbon recipes, each aged a minimum of 6 years, to handcraft Small Batch Select. Non-chill filtered and 104 proof, our newest permanent product-line extension offers truly unique flavor characteristics. 104 proof. 52% alcohol/volume. In 2019, Small Batch Select launched in Kentucky, New York, California, Texas and Georgia.
- Four Roses Small Batch Select Bourbon - 750ml
You’ll want to savor the taste of this premium Single Barrel again and again. It’s complex, full-bodied and surprisingly smooth with a delicate, long finish that’s unbelievably mellow. Drink straight up or on the rocks. 100 proof. 50% alcohol/volume.