The Lemon Drop is a great vodka cocktail created by a San Francisco bartender in the 1970s. For over two decades, the lemon drop found its way onto drink menus all over the world. The sweet dessert drink solidified its worldwide popularity when Oprah served one to Rachel Ray on her TV show. While it's often poured in a cocktail glass, it can also be served as a shot, which is common in nightclubs and college bars. No matter what method you prefer, the best results are made from simple syrup and fresh lemon juice.
Ingredients You'll Need
- 2 oz. vodka
- 1/2 oz. of triple sec
- 1 oz. of freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 oz. of simple syrup
- Granulated sugar
- Ice
- Coat the cocktail glass rim with sugar and set it aside
- Add ice, vodka, lemon juice, triple sec, and simple syrup to a shaker and shake until chilled
- Strain into glass and serve
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